And no I am not talking about the "concept"... mentioned by Ross on Friends (season 6, ep. 17) that Unagi is, "a state of total awareness... being prepared for any danger that may be-fall you."
No, I am siding with Rachel and Pheobe in that... Unagi is a type of sushi... and a DELICIOUS SUSHI at that!!!
Unfortunately Unagi is typically DOUSED in a sugary-sweet sauce that really ruins all nutritional benefits of the fish... but I have come up with a very good solution to this problem which has enabled me to SCARF this eel down without a guilt in the world... (although I have heard it's on the Do Not Eat list... but I am going to pretend as though I never heard/read that!)
When I buy it from the store in the pre-BBQed package... I open up the package and WASH the fillet off... then I take about 1/2 a roll of paper towel and remove all the rest of the disgustingly sweet sauce... and let me tell you, naked eel is definitely NOT naked in flavor!!!
When I go to sushi restaurants and order eel sashimi, I will ALWAYS ask/write down that there is to be no extra eel sauce slopped on top, that way I am not bombarded with sugar calories that are simply NOT NEEDED!

So you're either now thinking...
A. She is a complete nut job of caring about sugar
B. Ew, eel, that's disgusting, I hate raw fish...
C. Whoa, good idea, although I probably won't go nuts with the paper towels
D. Tell me about the damn nutritional benefits!
And let me just make it clear that...
A. Yes I am completely nuts about avoiding sugar
B. Eel is ABSOLUTELY delicious and should NOT be avoided (out of fear that it's slimy and "yucky") and it is a COOKED fish (if you'd call it a fish)
C. Yes yes, I know I am so smart... and in my mind, every little bit of sauce that comes off is a little less calories & sugar! (but I am aware I probably won't be able to get ALL of the sauce off)
D. I was just about to come to that!

So here you are all you letter D thinkers... EEL'S ROSTER OF HEALTH BENEFITS:
- Full of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- High in Protein
- Very High in Vitamin A & B1 & B2
- High in Vitamin D & E
- Rich in Phosphorus
- And did I mention... SCRUMPTIOUS!
While eel is a bit on the caloric side, it's oh so worth it... So don't shy away from it! Go nuts and order a sushi roll or better yet eel sashimi the next time you visit your sushi restaurant... Or if you're lucky like me and you have a Whole Foods near by, go and pick up a package or two and simply toast it in the oven until perfection! Seriously, you will have a mouthgasum and then thank me when you're done! Ha Ha Ha!
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