Cuisine: Japanese/Asian
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Pricey?: ** of out *****
Review: There is nothing I like more than to sink my teeth into a meaty and delicious hunk of tuna neck and this is exactly the reason why I ADORE Ai Sushi! The restaurant has all the sushi you can imagine plus exotic dishes such as this tuna neck that I love, also known as Hamachi Kama.

Last night my parents came to Boulder for dinner and my mom said "how about we go to your sushi place"... so of course I couldn't say no to that, after all it's "my" sushi place! Walk ins are welcome and space is always available, no waiting EVER!

The ambiance of the restaurant is spacious and boasts 10 hibachi grills along with a separate dining room so the loud noises from the hibachi grillers do not distract those who want to have a peaceful conversation with their dinner mates. As my parents and I headed into the dining room, we walked by a chalk board that had specials listed, and one of them was a special of SASHIMI for 2 @ $35 for 35 pieces - WHAT A STEAL!!!

So what did we order? TWO Sashimi Platters... so 70 pieces of sashimi! Plus TWO hamachi kamas (one for me, and one for my dad!)
We all received complementary miso soups & salads and the Hamachi Kamas came out first, VERY quickly.... and then... OUR SASHIMI platters! (The server knows me so he added eel sashimi onto the platters - lets just say he got a MIGHTY FINE TIP!) The fish ranged from multiple types of Tuna, Salmon, Mackerel, Crab, Tilipia, Shrimp, Egg & Eel! (I am sure I am forgetting something but there was just so much deliciousness I was so distracted by my ridiculously HAPPY taste buds!)
Everything was absolutely delicious... and when I was mid way through devouring my hamachi kama and realized it wasn't cooked all the way, I told my server and he simply took it back to the grill so they could finish off what was left and he did not charge us for it!

Don't think that sashimi and Habachi is the only thing Ai Sushi serves though, they have "millions" of rolls to choose from ranging from: the 007 Roll to the Heart Attack Roll to the Playboy Roll.... If you want to know what's in these interestingly titles rolls... check out the menu!
So how much was our bill! This is the BEST PART!!!!! For three people (yep, that's right, we finished ALL of that food... let's just say I would MOST DEFINITELY win ANY Japanese Food Eating Contest...) our bill came out to be: $115 (before tip that is)... and that includes the 2 beers my father ordered as well...

Well maybe I am a tad bit bias considering I have been going to this restaurant for three and a half years now... BUT every single time I have gone (which is a heck of a lot) it NEVER disappoints! The best part is pretty much all the waitstaff know me by first name and... when they see me outside about to enter the restaurant, they already get my order started! (ha ha, not seriously, but they definitely could... this also means I am a HUGE creature of habit)... But you know what, when I know something is out of this world delicious, why would I try something different that I am unsure of?!?!

My Rating: 9.99999 out of 10 (not a straight ten because my hamachi kama wasn't cooked all the way through this go round, but typically it ALWAYS it! Oh and they don't have ESCOLAR which is one of my favorite types of sashimi... but eh, you can't win em all right?)
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