So here's what's going down in my world:
- The Semester for me has been pretty much OVER since December 3rd @ 1:15pm!

- Interning at ABC (being the general news intern) pretty much ended YESTERDAY!
- I anchored my own show at ABC
- I will hopefully be interning at ABC next semester but as a WEATHER intern so I have more of a focus.

- I finally got around to taking a picture of that AWESOMELY DELICIOUS recipe I posted a few days back... here it is:

- I am graduating college in May 2010...

- After graduation my family and I are going to TURKEY for 10 days!

- My credit card was murdered by X-Mas... I am just that good of a gift giver!!
- I am leaving Boulder, CO this coming Saturday for an ENTIRE MONTH... I am going home to recoop, relax and prepare myself for this coming spring semester which I have a feeling might "kick my butt"!!!

- My car "wolfie" decided he wasn't feeling so good last night when I got home... but I brought him to the doctor today and he seems to be doing a lot better... or so I think?!?!
- The weather in Boulder has been in the low teens for the past four days and it doesn't seem to be getting any better until Friday! Oh but then I leave to go home where these temperatures will continue (I live in northern Wyoming)...
- I am going to Salt Lake City on the 17th... with my mommy... it's not really a vaca though, she has to have a medical procedure done :(

- I bought an awesomely comfy blanket!! (YES THIS IS BIG NEWS! ha ha)

- I didn't have a stomach ache last night (also INCREDIBLY BIG NEWS!! - I typically have stomach aches EVERY single night)
- My voice tape for my radio production class in due on Wednesday

- My resume website is due on Friday
- I have constantly been rejected from all modeling gigs because I am a measly 5'2''!!
*Alright, I'll stop there because by the end of this list it just sounds like I am complaining! ha ha!
So much going on! So excited! But sorry for wolfie. Bummer.