So as I said, I just got back to Boulder, Colorado this past Saturday and of course the FIRST THING I did was... visit my second home, AKA: Whole Foods.
Whole Foods + Me = The love affair of the century, FOR SURE!
Every single person in the store (there are actually 4 of them in the Boulder area, so I am talking about the one located on Pearl Street... along with a Sprouts Market & a Sunflower Market) knows me by my first name or simply: FISH GIRL... Because you guessed it, I am obsessed with their fish; which brings me to today's POST!
After gathering my typical "goods" (Salmon Belly, Hamachi Collars, Eel Fillets and yes, some King Salmon because it looked, THAT GOOD) I ventured over to the frozen seafood section and to my surprise and HAPPINESS there were HUGE frozen loins of sushi grade Albacore Tuna.

I couldn't resist... and at $12.99 a pound, it was a steal.

I sliced is sashimi style that night and wrapped it in nori sheets... dipping it in soy sauce (reduced sodium, wheat free if you MUST know) with every bite.

Pure deliciousness.
The taste was buttery, melt in your mouth good and when I finished my serving I was almost depressed because I wanted more! ha ha.
Well... my depression didn't last long because... I have already bought a second fillet.
So is this going to be a new staple in my diet? YOU BET IT IS!
Oh and another WONDERFUL part about this tuna... IT'S SUSTAINABLE! SICK BUSINESS© (that's one of my phrases...), another fish I am obsessed with is actually sustainable! Go me! No ounce of guilt here about eating over fished or mercury laden tuna! Wooo!!
Now while I ate this succulent piece of fish raw, you can always sear it... Personally I think sesame seared tuna is magnificent... but each to their own!

So if you do happen to stumble upon this tuna, don't hesitate, and pick up a package today! And if you think $12.99 is too expensive, well, splurge a bit and only have a tiny bit at your meal (serving it with some less expensive fish) so you can at least get the taste sensation!
I must mention though... I have officially promised myself that I cannot VENTURE INTO WHOLE FOODS FOR AT LEAST ANOTHER WEEK! OFF LIMITS, NO! ha ha!
Check out nutritional facts, and prices of albacore tuna from grocery stores at