I AM OBSESSED with Pureed Pumpkin!!! The best part about me eating this vegetable is that... It is LOADED with health benefits!!!
For roughly 80 calories PER CUP (According to LIBBY'S Canned Pumpkin) you get TONS of vitamins, minerals and fiber... Exactly what vitamins and minerals does pumpkin contain...
- Vitamin A/ Beta- Carotene/ Carotenoids [aids in eye health, immune function, bone metabolism, skin health, heart health, etc]
- Potassium [Stroke & Hypertension Prevention]
- Vitamin C [Lessens Oxidative stress, Antioxidant, Skin Health, Immune System Health, Energy Enhancer]
- 3 Grams of Fiber (per cup) [Healthy Weight & Bowel]
- Lutein & Zeaxanthin [Eye Health]
- Iron [Wards off anemia & kidney failure]
- Zinc [Improves sense of taste & smell, Aids in Wound Healing, Increases Energy, Protects DNA & Aids in Proper Growth & Development]

And don't forget about the SEEDS of the pumpkin because they are equally nutritious containing...
- Magnesium
- Copper
- Iron
- Manganese
- Phosphorus
- Zinc
- Healthy Fats
So even though it's just about summer... why not dig into a can of pureed pumpkin - it will no doubt aid in achieving your bikini body... by making your skin, hair & nails healthy while keeping you full so you don't lose your stellar figure! And one more added bonus... eating pumpkin acts as an SPF (of about 5 but still)!!!

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